

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Couples Easy At-Home Spa Day

For Christmas this year I gave my husband the gift of a year of dates.  Each month I have a pre-planned, pre-paid date ready to go.  He gets to open an envelope on the first of each month to find out what we are doing and we pick a day that works for us.  This February, his date is a spa day at home.  When I was planning this, I was having a really hard time finding anything online about how to plan out a home spa day.  I wanted to make it really fun and relaxing and make us feel like we were at a real spa! So, I just sort of winged it and here is what I came up with.

First, I found this wedding template online and modified it to fit our spa day.  Just to make things a bit fancy :)  This is what I ended up with.
You can download what I made here if you like. 

Buying the things for the spa day was pretty inexpensive.  Marshall's and Ross always have spa and bath stuff on sale.  I think I got this basket that has a loufa, salt scrub, massage oil, shower gel, and bath salts for about $10.  
I also got a jar of mud mask at Marshall's for $5. 
Here is how to do your spa day set up:

1. Buy Everything Beforehand
Have food purchased and all your spa stuff bought ahead of time.  There is no need to be rushing around on the day of your spa day to buy things.  Remember, this is supposed to be relaxing for you both!

2. Make the Bedroom Feel Clean and Spa-like.  
I am going to set up candles, have this youtube video ready to play on my phone, strip the bed, and lay down beach towels so we don't get any spa product on the sheets/comforter.

3. Get Rid of Kids
If you want some real time to relax with your hubby/significant other and have children, either do a shortened version of this after they go to bed or send them off for the day.  It will feel much more luxurious without having little ones knocking on your door all afternoon.

4. Have Food Made
First, I want some lemon water for the bedroom and for lunch so I'll cut up the lemons and get the pitcher ready the night before.  For lunch, I'm going to buy one of those baked chickens from Walmart that always smell so yummy as you're checking out and shred some of the meat for a salad.  So when it comes time for lunch, I'll pull out the bag of chicken, the cut up tomatoes (also done the night before), and the two bowls of salad.  It won't even take 2 minutes to put together.  Super easy!

For our afternoon snack, I'll have a bottle of chilled champagne ready and I pre-ordered (two days ahead) a dozen chocolate covered strawberries from Publix.  They are so pretty and only cost about $12 (that includes tax) for a dozen there.

5. Have Everything Ready
The night before, go ahead and get all the stuff out that you need.  Unwrap everything and even group it by when you'll be using it and where.  Make sure you have washcloths, cotton pads, nail files, etc. all ready to go. 

Here is how to do the actual spa stuff:

1. Massage
For the massage, I'm just going to use a little bit of oil since I have it, but you can use lotion as well.  This part is pretty straightforward for Adam and I but if you feel like massaging isn't a skill of yours, I suggest watching some youtube tutorials on how to give a good massage. Your significant other will appreciate it! :)

2. Facial
I have never done a facial at home before, so I am going to follow Lauren Conrad's easy 5 Step Facial found here.

3. Rinse Off
I am just going to have us jump into the shower real quick to rinse off the oils and the mud mask before we have lunch.  Have robes ready for when you get out so you don't really have to get dressed to have lunch!

4. Mani/Pedi
For the manicures and pedicures, we will file each other's nails and give little massages with lotion.  I am not going to paint my nails or anything since I don't want to have to be careful with them.

5. Body Scrub & Bath Soak
For the last part, I was going to fill a bath full of bath salts and then use an exfoliating body scrub once we get in.  Your skin should feel heavenly at this point and you should be majorly relaxed!  Just remember to stay hydrated and drink water :)

6. Relax!
After the bath, we are just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy our time off for a bit.  We rarely have a day like this to ourselves so I'll let hubby decide if he wants us to watch a show together or if he wants to read together or something.

I hope you get to do something like this with your significant other soon and I truly hope you enjoy a relaxing spa day as much I know we are going to enjoy it. Leave a comment if you have done something like this or have any suggestions that I didn't think about! :)